3 Quotes & Sayings By Val Edward Simone

Val Edward Simone was born in the Philippines. She is an award-winning author of books for young adults. Val Edward Simone's love of writing started when she wrote poetry at the age of 6. She graduated from the University of the Philippines with a degree in English Literature Read more

Upon graduation, she became a copywriter at a leading advertising agency. Val Edward Simone has written over twenty-five books, including books for young adults, fantasy, and historical fiction. Her work has been translated into over seven languages.

Val Edward Simone lives in Manila with her husband and two children.

We fiction writers are a brazen lot, are we not? For we, in our passion, embrace just enough truth to consecrate our delicately contrived lies. Val Edward Simone
To tell you the truth. I am a wild and passionate novelist. I am therefore easily given over to telling wild and passionate lies. Val Edward Simone